兩性奇蹟﹝3片DVD影音書﹞:2015440396512,店家為 樂天書城 | 樂天市場購物網 - 台灣 售價:723 我要購買 |
內容簡介 來自不同星球的男女,要如何溝通?來自不同家族的夫妻相處秘訣是什麼?我們背後的家族又帶來什麼樣的影響力量? 這套影音書精選華人夫妻典型案例與解說,提供我們最佳的兩性學習機會,邀請大家敞開心來體驗,共創奇蹟-朝向愛! 作者簡介 譯者介紹 目錄 影音書主題 主講人簡介 周鼎文老師 前言 推薦序/謝文宜副教授 台灣海寧格機構簡介 系統排列簡介與課程資訊 出版品介紹 把愛傳出去 英文書冊目錄 Great Conflicts Introuction of Dr.Netra Chou The Chairman of the International Asia Constellation Conference, the founder of Hellinger Institute Taiwan Preface Recommendations by Shieh Wen-Yi Hellinger Institute Taiwan Publicattions by Netra T. Chou 影音書主題 DVD1(台灣) 個案排列:先生留不住錢、發酒瘋、太太將孩子送養 63:00 內在排列:把被遺忘的孩子帶回家 7:00 DVD2(中國) 個案排列: part 1:夫妻衝突 14:00 part 2:夫妻間三個神奇的字 7:00 part 3:夫妻衝突 69:00 個案排列:夫妻無法同床與溝通 30:00 DVD3 個案排列:男女大不同(馬來西亞) 33:00 個案排列:分居(台灣) 38:00 The Miracle of Couples Family Constellation by Netra Chou ~System Psychology of Couples DVD1 (Taiwan) Case: The husband does not make any money, throws drunken fits of rage, and the wife sends her children off to be cared for 63:00 Inner Constellation: Bringing the forgotten children home 7:00 DVD2 (China) Case: Part 1: Conflict between husband and wife 14:00 Part 2: Three magical words between husband and wife 7:00 Part 3: Conflict between husband and wife 69:00 Case: Husband and wife are not able to sleep in the same bed or communicate 30:00 DVD3 Case: Men and women are different (Malaysia) 33:00 Case: Separation (Taiwan) 38:00 |
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